Instagram is one of the most popular social platforms, but also a powerful marketing tool for designers who want to promote their services and attract new clients. With over a billion active users, Instagram is the sixth largest social network globally and the place to go when searching for the target audience.

What makes this image sharing tool so amazing is the fact that 75% of users take action after seeing posts on Instagram. What does it mean? It means that followers who see your content are likely to check out your bio, look for your name using Google, or visit your website.

Therefore, you should do all it takes to turn your Instagram account into a genuine business driver. Our post will give you valuable ideas on how to achieve this goal, so keep reading to learn how to use Instagram to showcase your design portfolio.

1. Write a Great Bio

Before you start thinking about the content, you need to write a standout Instagram bio because it’s the first place people are going to check as soon as they notice your posts. In case you don’t have a stage name, use your real name to make sure fans can find you quickly.

Besides that, you should add a location to keep nearby prospects even more interested. Write a brief but clear description and don’t forget to add a URL to your website for followers who want to learn more about you. Writing a bio is a simple process, but you should hire the best paper writing services like dissertation uk  or ukwritings  if you are not sure how to do it properly.

2. Mix It Up

A designer should always mix up the content and keep it versatile and interesting. Don’t be pushy and don’t consider Instagram to be a sales tool. Instead, use it to prove professional creativity and reveal your unique personality. Don’t hesitate to show how things work behind the scenes and let the audience take a sneak peek at the creative process.

Instagram Feed

3. Showcase Your Style

Another thing you ought to do is showcase your style of work. Try to answer a couple of questions: What makes me so special and interesting? Why are my designs better than competitors’ works? Let the content speak for itself and answer those questions on your behalf.

4. Use the Right Hashtags

You probably know that hashtags represent a quintessential element of Instagram marketing. In such circumstances, it is necessary to come up with a proper hashtag strategy that will maximize the visibility and discoverability of your account.

First of all, you should create unique hashtags that the audience will remember you by. Secondly, you need to identify evergreen hashtag solutions in your niche and use them to popularize Instagram content. And thirdly, you should follow the latest trends and use the hottest hashtags at any given moment.

Instagram for Designers

5. Engage and Interact

Although your main goal is to showcase a design portfolio, you shouldn’t neglect that Instagram is primarily a social communication platform. This means you have to use it as the means of engagement and interact with your followers on a regular basis.

It’s not only the opportunity to show fans that you appreciate their support but also a great chance to meet potential clients and generate fresh ideas. For example, design experts at review  keep an eye on what their fans are saying so as to discover a whole bunch of valuable ideas and identify new design trends based on users’ inputs.

6. Keep It Consistent

The last Instagram marketing and HR Tech trick is to keep your activities consistent. It’s a critical feature because Instagram is flooded with all sorts of posts and you do want to remind people that you are active 365 days a year.

The best option is to create and schedule posts well in advance, so you have enough materials to work with long-term. However, you should pay attention to visual consistency as well since the same style of work, well-known color palettes, or filters will quickly make you recognizable among Instagram followers.


Instagram has become a fundamental marketing tool for creative professionals and designers in the last few years. The platform gives you the opportunity to present your work and win over new clients, so make sure to use it as soon as possible. We showed you six practical ways how to do it – now it’s up to you to take the next step and boost online discoverability using Instagram.

About the Author: Kurt Walker is a web designer and a part-time content creator at writing services like and grademiners review. His specialties include almost all design-related themes, but he also writes about personal development and self-improvement. Kurt is a father of two lovely kids and an amateur long-distance runner.