Looking for ways to make money online but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you!

Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, or simply someone looking for an additional income stream, nowadays you can find countless opportunities to earn that extra bit of cash. A lot of these jobs don’t require a great number of skills or investments, so there’s definitely something for everyone.

Let’s explore 8 easy and profitable money-making opportunities for beginners!

1. Online Surveys

Participating in online surveys can be a simple way to earn some extra cash in your spare time. Many market research companies like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Amazon Mechanical Turk are willing to offer money or rewards in exchange for opinions and feedback on various products and services.

Here are a few tips to maximize your earnings:

  • Join multiple survey platforms to increase the number of opportunities available to you.
  • Many platforms offer the possibility to complete forms to better match you with relevant surveys, according to your interests and demographics.
  • Set aside a bit of time each day or week to complete surveys. Consistency is key to accumulating earnings over time.
  • Some survey platforms also offer referral programs where you can earn additional rewards or bonuses by inviting friends or family members to join.

While the pay is usually not substantial, online surveys require minimal skills or upfront investment, making them accessible to virtually anyone with an internet connection and free time!

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products or services and earning a commission for each sale that was made through your referral. You can reach your audience through various channels such as: 

  • Blogging. Create valuable content on your blog for your readers, including product reviews, comparison articles, or tutorials that show the benefits of the products you’re promoting.
  • Social Media. Use social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok to recommend products or services to your followers.
  • Email Marketing. Build an email list and send newsletters to your subscribers, recommending products that are relevant to their interests or needs.
  • Review Sites. Create a niche-specific review website where you can provide in-depth reviews, tutorials, or demonstrations of products for your audience.

Affiliate marketing offers the potential for passive income as you continue to earn commissions. Success in this field takes time and effort and requires decent communication skills, but it can be a rewarding way for beginners to monetize their online presence.

3. Freelancing

Taking on freelance jobs is a popular option for beginners who have a set of skills like design, writing, web development, translating, and many others. It involves offering their services to clients for short term or long term projects that need specific tasks completed.

The advantages of freelancing include:

  • Working from anywhere with an internet connection. 
  • You can choose which projects you want to work on, and set your own rates.
  • You don’t need significant upfront investment or extensive resources to get started. Just a computer, internet access, and the skills or expertise in your chosen field is enough to start earning money relatively quickly.
  • There are many types of clients and projects available that align with your skills and interests. This diversity allows you to explore different areas and find your niche.

The demand for freelancers is currently high, as businesses and individuals often require specialized assistance but are not looking for the commitment of hiring a full-time employee. You can find opportunities in websites that specialize in connecting freelancers with potential clients, making it easier to find jobs!

4. Online Tutoring

If you have expertise in a particular subject, consider offering online tutoring services. Platforms like VIPKid, Tutor.com, and Chegg Tutors connect students with tutors for various subjects and academic levels.

Some key advantages:

  • You have the freedom to set your own working hours and schedule sessions that suit both you and your clients.
  • It’s easy to start small, by offering one-on-one sessions with clients. As your business grows, you can expand your services to include group coaching, online courses, or membership programs.
  • As you start to become known online, and are able to deliver valuable services, you can ask for higher rates and attract premium clients.

Whether you prefer teaching a language, math, or music, online tutoring allows you to earn money while sharing your knowledge and helping others.

5. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products online without the need for inventory. When a customer purchases a product from your online store, you simply pass the order to a supplier who takes care of fulfillment and shipping

By finding the right niche and marketing your products, you can generate profits.

Dropshipping offers several advantages for beginners:

  • Low Startup Costs. Compared to traditional retail, dropshipping requires minimal upfront investment. You don’t need to purchase inventory or rent storage space.
  • Flexibility and Scalability. Run your business from anywhere with an internet connection. As your store grows, you can easily add more products and expand your marketing efforts.
  • Wide Product Selection. With access to a vast network of suppliers, you can offer a wide range of products without the limitations of physical inventory.

Dropshipping can be a fairly lucrative online business, but it’s important to choose reliable suppliers, provide excellent customer service, and put a lot of effort in marketing to stand out in a competitive field.

6. Content Creation

With the rise of YouTube, blogging, and podcasting, content creation has become a viable and fun way to make money online. By creating engaging and valuable content, you can monetize your platforms through advertisements, sponsorships, and product promotions.

  • Content creation gives you the opportunity to express your ideas and passions in a creative way.
  • You can start with minimal equipment—a smartphone, computer, and basic editing software. Many platforms and tools are also available for free or at affordable prices.
  • Consistently uploading engaging content helps you to build a strong online presence which attracts an audience and gains you credibility in your niche.
  • You have the chance to connect with industry experts and fellow creators. These collaborations can lead to partnerships, or joint ventures, expanding your audience and creating new opportunities.

Remember, consistent and high-quality content creation is key to building a loyal audience and attracting monetization opportunities. Find a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise, and focus on creating valuable content that resonates with your target audience.

If you are interested in following this route, consider joining our Creators Program, where we help you with each step of the process to sell your merch. 

7. Print on Demand

Print on Demand (POD) is a popular and beginner-friendly method for turning creative designs into tangible products that you can sell online, without the need for inventory and almost no upfront costs, reducing financial risk.

It involves partnering with a company that takes care of everything from production and fulfillment to  shipping so you are free to focus on marketing and building your brand!

Some key advantages:

  • There are no minimum order requirements. Whether you sell one product or a hundred, the POD platform will handle the production and fulfillment of each order.
  • Print on Demand offers scalability, allowing you to grow your business as your customer base expands. You can upload new designs without the need for additional resources or infrastructure.
  • Reach customers worldwide. POD platforms handle international shipping and logistics, making it easier to sell to customers in different countries.
  • Once you’ve uploaded your designs and set up your product listings, Print on Demand can generate passive income, which means customers can discover and purchase your products without your active involvement.

You can sell a variety of products, from t-shirts, mugs, books and many others. And if you worry about not having sufficient artistic skills, with Vexels you can get access to a vast library of high quality designs that you can choose to sell your merch.

8. Podcasting

If you enjoy sharing your thoughts and insights through audio, consider starting a podcast. As your podcast gains listenership, you can monetize it through sponsorships, ads, or by offering premium content or merchandise to your audience.

  • Podcasting provides an excellent platform for building your personal brand and establishing yourself as an expert in your niche.
  • You can attract a dedicated audience and build a loyal community around your show.
  • There is flexibility when it comes to scheduling and location. You can record episodes and release them according to a schedule that works for you.
  • Podcast episodes have a longer lifespan compared to other forms of content. Once published, they can be discovered and enjoyed by new listeners for years to come.

While it requires dedication, consistency, and valuable content for your audience, Podcasting can easily become a lucrative and exciting way to share your ideas with like-minded individuals.


Thankfully, the digital world offers countless opportunities to make money online, both for experts and beginners. The key is to find something that you can do with your set of skills, according to your interests, and goals. 

If you are still unsure about which option is right for you, you can always start by exploring one or two options. As you gain experience and knowledge, you can diversify and explore additional opportunities.

So, get started, stay motivated, and embrace the exciting journey of online income generation!