In this post, we will keep analyzing the design trends for 2021, and we are going to center on the company logos.

Check the other posts about design trends in 2021 for more inspiration.

Logo design is a very difficult art because it’s necessary to show the company values, differentiate from the other competitors, be original, and take care of the aesthetics at the same time. 

If you are one of the brave to face this kind of challenge here you have some tips about the trends more used to be inspired on.


Geometric shapes as ta base of the logo are a way to keep things basic. And return to the roots and essence of the company identity. Here some inspiration for this trend in logo design.

Perspective and 3D

Again 3D is a design trend in 2021. The logos will be present in perspective drawing and volume in typography. All these resources will make your logo pop up and highlight. Some examples:


When is needed to show balance and stability, there is nothing better than a symmetric logo. Using vertical, horizontal, diagonal axes to mirror the logo is a classic style that will be trending again.

Stained-glass windows

This is a special application of the retro trend is impregnating every design project. The concept used is the same as in the old churches windows: to divide the design into color shapes that represent the final image. Simplicity is not incompatible with beauty. 


Fonts and typography still have a lot of presence in the logo design. Just one letter has the power to concentrate a lot of information about the values of a company. Also could be combined with a lot of styles and flavors to have the final touch.

There are more posts about trending to come. Keep logged to have more information and to get more inspiration.

Meanwhile, check all the logo designs you have available on Vexels’ stock.