Every once in a while there comes an artist that redefines conventional styles of creating art. Silvia Pelissero falls in this category. This young artist, barely in her twenties, has made a mark in the global art community by her unique and wonderful style. Using water colors as her medium, she plays with the boundaries of conventional painting methods. Literally. The usage of dripping paint to accentuate the delicate outlines of her subject has become a trademark of hers. This method lends a softness and vulnerability to her works which is immediately apparent. Pregnant with emotion, her paintings often depict facial expressions that are as enigmatic as they are breathtaking.

The artist herself is also as interesting as her paintings and uses Agnes Cecile as her trade name. Regardless of the name she uses she truly is an exceptional artist who, we hope, will continue creating such beautiful works of art for a long time to come.

Her art has earned her numerous admirers all over the world.  Needless to say, we too fall in this category.


For more on Silvia Pelissero/ Agnes-Cecile visit her profile.




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