We love giveaways don’t we? As designers for personal, commercial and business use, we sought for the best design we can. With the help of templates, it makes our live easier, admit it or not.


But using them templates for commercial use has a limitation, to which it can be lifted by “paying” royalties and such to original authors.


Now, at Open Stock Network we would like to give 20, YES twenty! Licenses for our Contest.

As you guys see, we have on our network these sites:


Vector Open Stock – for great vector art inspiration

Logo Open Stock – for logo inspiration

Open Stock Blog – which is this site, for our official blog


Now for the contest…..


We are adding another family member. And here is our contest based.

We will give to the winner 20 Licenses for our own vectors, for any project.

As all contests have rules, well here they are:


1: Like our Facebook pages (if you haven’t yet)

Free Vector Stockcom

Open Stock Network


2: Share our pages to your walls or profile pages.


3. Subscribe to our newsletter, by going to our sites and subscribing to it

Go to vectoropenstock.com or logoopenstock.com , and look for something like this photos, then enter you email to subscribe.

4. Also it wont hurt if you share this contest to others as well.Also follow us at twitter @VectorOpenStock and @LogoOpenStock

What to do next??  Well you have to guess who is our newest site to be added. Based on our sites. And as for our first clue:

Open Stock —-  last part.

and lastly. 5. Post you answers at the facebook pages, we will create a post on them, to which you will provide the answer.

Well, thats it, that is all you just do, and we will announce the winners here at our pages by the 1st of September. So hurry!

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